A Brief Introduction to Detoxing and Weight Loss

Diet Health and wellbeing Eating

After all, many detox diets are nothing more than fads. They promise that if you drink a lot of tea or perhaps only fruit juices for a given amount of time, you'll lose weight. And while you likely will, it isn't the kind of weight you will keep off.

Then, there are short-term, one-week detox diets that can serve an integral role in your long-term weight loss goals. There are toxins in everything you consume, which accumulate in your body over time. This makes the right kind of detox instrumental in your weight loss goals and general well-being.

In this guide, you'll learn how toxins build up in your body, how and why you should detox to rid yourself of them, and an easy-to-follow one-week detox plan to get started.

Those toxins aren't going to get rid of themselves! Let's get to it!

A man drinks tea next to a green wall.

Toxins are On Almost Everything You Touch, Throughout the Air, and in Your Food…

No matter how careful you are and how hard you try to avoid toxins, you're going to come in contact with them. In fact, some studies reveal that on average, people have over 200 chemicals in their blood or urine that are common in foods that are baked or fried at high temperatures, non-stick cookware, and cleaning products, among others.

When combined, toxins can be extremely harmful to the human body. It's the job of your detoxification organs, specifically your liver and kidney, to rid your body of these chemicals and toxins. However, if you consume a poor diet or are overburdened with chemicals from cleaning products and other harmful substances, your organs may be ineffective in doing so.

While both organs play an essential role in the detox process, the liver is more important than the kidneys. The process is twofold: First, the liver neutralizes and breaks down toxins where it then binds them to other molecules for excretion in bile, urine, or stools. But, just as a poor diet can impair functionality, improper nutrition can as well. In fact, without proper nutrients, your liver cannot adequately expel toxins from your body.

Hence the purpose of detoxifying cleanses.

Why You Should Detox for Weight Loss and General Health

With multiple body systems (i.e. the digestive, circulatory, and lymphatic systems) along with two major organs supporting your natural detoxifying abilities, you may think that you don't need additional support on your own behalf.

But you do.

The problem is that these systems and organs can only handle so much before becoming overwhelmed. Typically, these symptoms can cause fatigue, skin problems, aches, pains, digestive issues, and a host of other complications. Improper detoxification can even cause weight gain or, at the very least, problems losing weight.

Detoxification works through a number of processes to support your body's natural ability to cleanse. Some of the ways in which detoxes work include:

  • Giving organs a breakthrough fasting;
  • Stimulating the liverby eliminating sugar, caffeine and alcohol and adding organic fruits and vegetables, along with a significant amount of water;
  • Improving circulation,which carries toxins from cells to the proper organs for elimination;
  • Prompting proper elimination through the intestines, kidneys, and skin; and
  • Supplying healthy nutrients the body will use to get rid of toxins.

A woman carries a bag full of kale.

Meaningful detoxification efforts, as opposed to fad diets or other products, addresses problems on a cellular level to enact change. This will help you:

  • Increase Energy - By eliminating toxins, you'll receive a natural energy boost and reduce the amount of energy your body uses to rid itself of harmful substances such as sugar, trans and saturated fats, and caffeine.
  • Eliminate Excess Waste - Because you'll stop ingesting foods and toxins that prompt the body to eliminate toxins, you can eliminate waste already settled in your body.
  • Strengthen the Immune System - Detoxes allow your body's natural detoxification processes to function as they should, also helping your immune system absorb nutrients.
  • Thought Clarity - If you feel like you lack mental clarity, eliminating sugar- and fat-rich foods will help reduce lethargy and improve quality thought.
  • Improved Hair and Skin - As your body is cleansed of toxins, your skin will improve and your hair will grow without being negatively affected by internal toxins.
  • Weight Loss - Detoxes are rich in whole foods that nourish your body and reduce bloating. Because many detoxes focus on healthy eating, they can help establish good habits that serve you well in the future as you continue to lose weight.

There are far more benefits than just these six. However, when you want a comprehensive idea as to how a detox will help you not only lose weight, but improve general health, these points are a great place to get started.

The Detox/Weight Loss Connection

We briefly spoke about detoxing for weight loss above, but there's more to it than just reduced bloating and eating “less.” After all, starving yourself on a detox to lose weight will cause you to gain the weight back (and perhaps more) once you end the detox and begin consuming normal foods once again.

There's a basic premise that weight loss only has to do with calories in vs. calories out. However, this doesn't acknowledge the fact that what you eat makes a significant difference in weight loss. For example, if you eat more calories but are consuming almost all whole foods rather than restricting calories and eating primarily processed foods, you'll lose more weight while eating more calories.

Detoxing plays a role in weight loss from multiple perspectives:

  • Focus on Nutrient-Rich Foods - Healthy detoxes are almost always premised on consuming a whole foods, plant-based diet. You can easily lose weight doing so because your diet will be free from the toxins in processed foods that prompt the need for a detox to reduce the inflammation and potential insulin spikes that cause subsequent cravings and crashes.
  • Fiber-Rich Diet - The fiber in fruits and vegetables promotes healthy digestion, allowing your body to more efficiently rid itself of waste.
  • Reduce Cravings - By consuming natural, nutrient-dense foods, you can recognize cravings for unhealthy foods laden with trans and saturated fats as well as toxins that only stand in the way of your weight loss.

Detoxes reduce bloating because decreasing calories leads to water weight loss. While some may not consider this “weight loss,” it's still an important component of a detox that will help you look and feel your best once it's complete.

A woman sits on a comfortable chair holding a glass of water.

Your 7-Day Detox to Jumpstart Weight Loss

There are countless detoxes that will supposedly help you lose weight.

Many detoxes last anywhere from 3 to 21 days, but ideally you should follow yours for 7 days. This will give your body time to cleanse the blood of toxins and essentially help you “reset” your system.

As you can imagine, different detoxes are meant for different results. If your goal is to lose weight, the best approach is a whole foods detox rather than one that exclusively focuses on liquids, especially juices.

Consuming whole foods offers nourishing support to your liver and colon while supporting a healthy metabolism and causing weight loss that isn't the result of nutritional deficiencies or malnutrition. Ideally, this week will help you increase your organic fruit and vegetable intake, reduce meat consumption, and moderate how often you eat foods such as fish as part of your diet.

The detox best for weight loss isn't one that tells you what to eat and when. Rather, it offers helpful guidelines as to what you may eat and when you may want to eat it so you have the flexibility that makes it simple to stay on track. The best part is that it's a plan that anyone can follow for 7 days, if not longer if you choose.

5 Simple Rules for Your Whole Foods Detox

On this detox, 5 simple rules will keep you on track and successful in your efforts:

  1. Consume Whole Foods Only - This doesn't mean that you can't necessarily eat foods from a package. Instead, stick to whole foods when possible (i.e. fruits, vegetables, beans, etc.) and avoid processed foods with ingredients you cannot pronounce or recognize. For example, rolled oats are acceptable, but pre-packaged snack bars are not.
  2. Keep it Simple - The healthiest meals are those with only a few ingredients. Focus on whole grains, healthy fats, and other nutritious ingredients to keep meals delicious and interesting without adding too much to each dish.
  3. Eat Slowly - This may not seem important, but it is. Eating slower forces you to properly chew your food and recognize when you're full. You can also appreciate the flavor of food much more when you eat slowly.
  4. Set a Schedule - When you eat on a schedule, you support your digestive system, blood sugar, insulin levels, and appetite. While you may want to consume a detox-friendly supplement to help your results, setting a schedule and letting no more than 4 hours pass between meals will better your results on this detox.
  5. Pay Attention to Your Body - You should eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full during your detox. The best part about eating simple, whole foods is that there is less temptation to indulge in something that would “ruin” your diet. By the end of the detox, you're much more likely to remain in control of portions and your appetite, even if/when you return to eating a more diverse array of foods.

A selection of fresh vegatables for sale.

Sample Food Ideas / Ingredients

Now you've got your rules, but do you know what to eat? Here are just some of the foods you can and should keep on hand:

  • Fruits - Apples, berries, cranberries, and virtually any other fruit are great snacks and breakfast foods on this detox plan. Avocados (yes, avocados are a fruit!), are a great source of healthy fat!
  • Vegetables - Stick to cruciferous vegetables and other vegetables that have cleansing properties, especially beets and spinach. Just like fruits, you can't go wrong with any vegetables.
  • Whole Grains - Whole grains, especially oatmeal, are great cleansing foods. Of course, you want to keep more processed foods like this to a minimum, but they are still a great component of any whole foods detox diet. Other excellent sources of whole grains include quinoa and brown rice.
  • Beans and Legumes - Beans and legumes are great sources of protein that will keep you feeling satisfied, better aiding in portion control.

By focusing exclusively on plant-based sources of all major nutrients, you can effectively detox and reap the rewards 1-week of dedication has to offer.

Eating Schedule

The idea behind any detox is to grow more attuned to your body. As such, while you should eat 3 meals a day and snacks in-between as you become hungry, you don't want to force yourself to eat if you aren't hungry either.

As such, there is no “set” schedule with this detox. Aim for 3 meals every day and snack on fruits and vegetables as needed. Some days you may eat more and other days, you may eat less. But know that if you're listening to your body, you're doing the detox properly and will experience the results you seek.

A Short Detox Allows Your Body to Reset and Gear Up for Weight Loss

Whether you've been struggling to lose weight or are simply looking to improve fatigue, eliminate cravings, or reduce bloating, a detox is a great solution. Following a detox, even if only for 7 days, will allow you to reset bad habits and support your weight loss efforts, no matter where you are in your journey.

The plan above is one of the healthiest ways to kickstart sustained weight loss. Turning to juice cleanses or liquid diets may produce more pronounced results in the short-term, but will not lead to sustained weight loss.

The best time for a detox is now! So head to the store, stock up on your favorite fruits and vegetables, and get started!

P.s. Make sure you visit www.phenq.com to order PhenQ diet pills to help you lose weight even faster.

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